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Dracula image

Answering The Questions About Dracula

Questions Of The Chapter 5

  1. Before she died, Lucy to dream strange dreams, Arthur told mina and Jonathan
a)    What did Lucy see in her dreams?
R/ Lucy in the dreams see red eyes and golden dust in the air.

b)   Why was Jonathan surprised?
R/ because the things that Arthur tell him had relationship with the happened in Transylvania (about Dracula).

  1. Why did Lucy need a blood transfusion?
R/ because Lucy had lost a lot of blood and it was the way to save her life.

  1. What questions did Jonathan ask about Lucy throat?
R/ the questions that Jonathan did, were:
 - “were there any marks on Lucy’s throat"
 -"small red marks"

  1. What plants did professor van helsing bring into Lucy’s bedroom?
R/ van helsing brought lost of garlic plants and some white flowers.

  1. Lucy asked Arthur to kiss her what did professor van helsing do?
R/ van helsing pulled Jonathan away.

  1. when Arthur finished telling them about Lucy’s death, mina and Jonathan’s eyes were full of fear. What were they afraid of?
R/ they were afraid because they believed that Dracula had been drinking Lucy’s blood and had possibility that she became a vampire.   

Questions Of The Chapter 6

1.   Mina and Jonathan read a strange story in the newspaper

   a)  What had happened to some young children in Hythe?
 R/ Those young children disappeared from theirs homes, and when they appear again, talk a strange story

   b)  Where were the children found?
  R/ All the children were found in the old churchyard on the hill

   c)  What was strange about their throats?
   R/ They had small, red marks on their throats.

2.   "We have to do three things to stop the vampire," said the profesor. What were the three things they had to do?

 R/ "First we must open Lucy's coffin. Then we must hammer a sharp piece of wood through her heart. Lastly her head must be cut off" said the profesor Van Helsing

3.   Why did Arthur cry out when he looked in the coffin?

  R/ because the coffin was empty, he didn´t know wher was his wife

4.   "We have begun our works," said Van Helsing. "But we have not finished it."

   a) How had they begun their work?
  R/ They began their work when they killed the first vampire (Lucy) 

   b) What must they do in order to finish it?
R/ They must find Count Dracula and destroy him forever of the same way that destroyed to Lucy

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