Dracula image

Dracula image

Answers of the book "Dracula"

Answers of the questions for chapter 5

1- A- What did lucy see in her dreams?
 R/ Lucy see in her dreams golden dust moving in the air.
    B- Why was jonathan surprised?
R/ Because all that said arthur was same or similar to the things that jonathan saw in the castle of count dracula.

2- Why did lucy need a blood transfusion?
R/ Because all that said arthur was same or similar to the things that jonathan saw in the castle of count dracula.

3- What questions did jonathan ask about lucy's throat?
R/ Jonathan questions " were there any marks on lucy's throat, small, red marks?"

4- What plants did professor van helsing bring into lucy's bedroom?
R/ Van helsing bring into lucy's bedroom garlic plants and flowers white, the garlic had a very strong smell.

5- Lucy asked arthur to kiss her. What did professor van helsing do?
R/ The professor van helsing pulled he away.

6- When arthur finished telling them about lucy's death, mina and jonathan's eyes were full of fear. What were they afraid of? 
R/ Of the count dracula were doing all.

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