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Commentary Of The Movie "Trainspotting"

Plan For commentary:



Commentary of Moncada:
The use of drugs in this times is a social stigma therefore the people not dare to talk about this topics and less to give a positive opinion about this.
Is true say that the drugs are destructives but studies have shown that the intake of natural drugs as the marihuana is more beneficial that the analgesics in treatments against some diseases, the natural drugs is not totally destructives, we take advantage  of this benefits; this is my first argument about that the intake of natural drugs should be legal.
My Second argument is aimed to the recreative use of natural drugs; the use of marihuana is very usual in Colombia and we can not do anything about this, therefore i think the society should accept and respect the use of the natural drugs as the marihuana and educate the childrens about this topics (i am not saying that the childrens should consume drugs). terms in that i agree the use of natural drugs and that should be legals:
* be sick
* have higher of 18 years old
* not abuse, the excess is very bad for anything (until the excess of water can kill you!)
* sell in specially places (not in schools, not in places where can molest to other persons, etc.)

The natural drugs no should is a stigma; we drink liquor and smoke cigarettes, this substances are more dangerous that the marihuana and where is the stigma with this?
just as society learned to live with this, that learn to live with the natural drugs and respect to the consumers.

as i´m a studious child, i investigated the topic :D

- El Cannabis es muy efectivo como analgésico tras una cirugía mayor
- Marihuana recreativa en Colombia
- Beneficios de la marihuana  
- 5 beneficios de las drogas alucinógenas

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